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In SALOONmusik/.forschung/.praxis/.pädagogik current questions from the music pedagogy, musicology, and musical practice are put forward and discussed. Domestic and international guests as well as represenatives of the University offer insights to the work and offer exchange opportunities. The Saloon lasts about 90 minutes, followed by a conclusion in the University garden. Participation can be recognized as an elective event via a ticket system. Registration is not necessary - please write your name on the list by Room 153 on the day of the event.

In charge of the Saloon: Prof. Dr. Thomas BuschProf. Dr. Kai Lothwesen, Prof. Dr. Michael Meyer

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Winter Semester 2022/2023 Overview

  • October 26th, 7:00pm, Room 153
    Beyond the Score. Remarks about vocal performance practice in the 19th century
    Prof. Dr. Thomas Seedorf (Karlsruhe)
  • November 23rd, 7:00pm, Room 153
    I hear what you don't hear! Perfect Pitch and Memory for Music
    Prof. Dr. Kathrin Schlemmer (Eichstätt)
    A top-tier pianist can memorize more than 300,000 notes. That corresponds to approximately all notes in all Beethoven Piano Sonatas. Humans are able to sing pieces of music in the correct key without any musical training How are such feats possible? What cognitive processes are behind it? Music Psychology has dedicated itself to this question since the late 19th century and investigates the remarkable phenomena of musical memory and perfect pitch with empirical methods. In her lecture, Prof. Dr. Kathrin Schlemmer (Catholic University of Eichstätt) gives insights to the questions, methods, and results of current research.
  • January 11th, 7:00pm, Room 153 
    Performance Anxiety – a phenomenon between addiction and suffering
    PD Dr. Manfred Nusseck (Freiburg) 
    Cold hands, shaking knees, mumbling stomach, sweating – "Stage Fright" can be experienced by any musician, in an orchestra pit or on the stage. The cognitive mechanism behind these symptoms are evolutionary, but in the  performance of music in a concert hall are rather undesired. Nevertheless a certain amount of stress is helpful, in order to concentrate on performing well. But at what point is this hindering or even burdensome? What possibilities are there to counteract this? Music Psychology has researched such questions intensely for some years now, in order to decode the phenomenon and formulate tips to prevent it. In his lecture, PD Dr. Manfred Nusseck (Freiburger Institut für Musikermedizin, Hochschule für Musik Freiburg) offers insights into the methods and results of current research.

Archive Summer Semester 2022

  • May 11th, 7:00-8:30pm
    Breaking Down Barriers to Inclusion. Music Education from an Inclusive and Constructivist Perspective  
    Dr. Mercé Bosch Sanfélix (Trossingen) and Prof. Dr. Gemma Riera Romero (Vic) 
  • Monday, Mai 16th, 9–11:30am | online!
    Measuring and developing musicality: Current research perspectives from Music Psychology  (Special Event in the framework of the research colloquium)
    Prof. Dr. Daniel Müllensiefen (London)
  •  Wednesday, June 8th, 7:00-8:30pm
    Book Presentation: The Hidden Meaning. Concealing and Revealing in Music 
    Prof. Dr. Laurenz Lütteken (Zürich)
  • unfortunately had to be canceled due to illness – will be made up in WS 2022/23
    Wednesday, June 22nd, 7:00-8:30pm
    I hear what you don't hear! Perfect Pitch and Memory for Music
    Prof. Dr. Kathrin Schlemmer (Eichstätt) 
  • Wednesday July 20th, 7:00-8:30pm
    Practice Workshop "The Intelligent Choir"
    Felix Schirmer (Dormagen)