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Trossingen is connected worldwide

The Trossingen University of Music maintains a large and diverse network of international partnerships. In addition, individual projects and projects with classes in other countries are supported.

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Trossingen maintains cooperations

  • as part of the ERASMUS Programms KA 131, the exchange program of the EU for students (study abroad and internships), teachers, and employees within Europe and as part of international mobility outside of Europe
  • as part of the state program of Baden-Württemberg with California and Oregon, USA  with California State University and universities in Oregon
  • on a bilateral level in Israel with the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music at Tel Aviv University and the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance.

Additionally, individual projects (Free Mover Projects, studies, internships, masterclasses, and competitions), and projects with classes in other countries are supported.


Director of the International Office: Prof. Ingo Dannhorn
Office: Birgit Hermle-Marquart