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Song Through the Ages

The Institute for Song Through the Ages has made song its central topic -  hat sich das Lied zum zentralen Thema gemacht - interdisciplinary. Taking center stage are in equal parts artistic development projects, research, cooperations, networking, the development of course offerings, and cooperation with other institutes of the Trossingen University of Music and particularly the State Center MUSIK–DESIGN–PERFORMANCE.

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Responsibilties of the Institute for Song

  • Organization and development of  the German Song Academy.
  • Reserach and publications in the area of "Song Through the Ages."
  • Initiation and care of cooperations with distinguished national and international institutions such as: California State University (CSU) – Summer Arts Program; Tongji University Shanghai; Central Conservatory Bejing; Aurelius Sängerknaben (Calw), Tübinger Stift; AEC.
  • Development of conferences, presentations of courses, seminars, lectures, concerts, etc. These events are to be presented to the respective committee in advance.
  • Management development of artistic and scientific young academics.
  • Advising the responsible study commissions, professional groups, and the rectorate about the interests and concerts of the Institute.

Members of the Institute

The Institute for Song Through the Ages includes: