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Discontinued degree programmes

All students who have started their music studies in Trossingen by Summer Semester 2020 will study according to the old curricula, which are listed here:

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Discontinued secondary education degree programmes

General documents 
Framework Regulations for Teacher Training Courses (RahmenVO-KM 2015)

School internship semester (School internships in Baden-Württemberg as part of the bachelor's and master's degree program in grammar school teaching)

Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programmes in Secondary School Teaching - Enrollment as of winter semester 2015/2016
Module Handbook Bachelor Secondary Education 2015
Module Handbook Bachelor with Emphasis in Jazz and Popular Music 2015
Module Handbook Master Secondary Education 2015
Module Handbook Master Broadening Subject Jazz and Popular Music 2015

Older study regulations: Staatsexamen - Enrollment from summer semester 2014 to summer semester 2015.
Gymnasium Teacher Examination Regulations (GymPO I) 

Please note: The examination entitlement for students with scientific subject as well as jazz/pop ends on 01.09.2022. At this time, all must be admitted to the last relevant examination (usually in scientific subject or jazz/pop).

Study and examination regulations

Study plan 

Module Handbook  

Module Handbook with Jazz+Pop emphasis