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Master's programmes with start of studies until Summer Semester 2020

With the successful re-accreditation in Summer 2020, new study regulations will come into force. Listed here are the module handbooks with the study plans for the expiring degree programs:

Previous Study Regulations for Secondary Education

Master's programme in secondary education - enrollment from winter semester 2015/2016

Module handbook Master Secondary Education 2015
Module handbook Master with emphasis in Jazz and Popular Music 2015

Seed Exam - Enrollment from Summer Semester 2014 to Summer Semester 2015

Secondary Education Examination Regulations (GymPO I)

Please note: The examination entitlement for students with a musicological subject as well as Jazz/Pop ends on 01.09.2022. By this date, all must have been admitted to the last relevant examination (usually in the musicological subject or in Jazz/Pop).

Study and Examination Regulations
Study Course Plan
Module handbook
Module handbook Emphasis Jazz+Pop