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Master of Extended Music Education

The Trossingen University of Music and the Federal Academy for Musical Youth Education Trossingen have developed a new, cooperative study and further education model with the part-time programme "Music Digital: Practice in School & Teaching" and the Master Extended Music Education (MEME).

The combination of Masters studies and a part-time course is a new cooperative study and education model unique in the music education landscape, which enables a transfer between both University research and teaching as well as experiences and questions of professional practice.

The part-time course "Music Digital" and the Master's programme "Master of Extended Music Education" (MEME) are aimed at interested parties from the professional fields of music education, music mediation and freelance musicians. Both the Master's programme and the part-time course invite students to expand their knowledge and skills in the areas of digital technologies and digital performance, to reflect on their artistic and pedagogical self-image in the context of digital media, and to explore their own professional practice with regard to the opportunities and possibilities associated with digitization. Building on artistic-pedagogical studies, it offers a flexible framework for individual and independent study design with intensive practical relevance.

The Trossingen University of Music with its State Center MUSIC-DESIGN-PERFORMANCE and the Federal Academy for Musical Youth Education Trossingen jointly offer the part-time continuing education course MEME. The modules KSP, which are intended for Master students, as well as the scientific sub-modules at the Federal Academy and the other modules, which are also part of the part-time course "Music digital", are offered in cooperation with the Federal Academy for Musical Youth Education Trossingen.

The course offers an artistic, pedagogical and technological deepening and further development of knowledge, skills and artistic self-conception for professions in the field of music mediation, music pedagogy and freelance musician with a focus on digital technologies, digital performance and aspects of digitalization. It can be understood as a praxis for pedagogical and artistic development projects. Two focal points can be chosen from the areas of institutional music education, school cooperation and institutions of adult education or social institutions, the basis for a focused examination of artistic-practical as well as pedagogical-technological issues.

In the course of study, artistic practice, musicological, pedagogical and technological contents and reflections as well as artistic-pedagogical-technological projects form equally the central pillars for the Master's degree. Accordingly, the teaching staff of the University of Music and the Federal Academy jointly organize the course, content and examinations of the master's degree program.

The program demands independence, conceptual, pedagogical, artistic and technological competence, flexibility, initiative and communication skills. Critical analysis and understanding of quality, design of concepts are essential aspects. In addition, leadership, teamwork and organizational skills are required.

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Study regulations

MA-XII-20-1 Master of Extended Music Education (in German)

Entrance Exam Requirements: 

  • Written exam (30 minutes preparation time) - Development of a pedagogical-artistic sketch on a given topic.
  • Artistic presentation (either repertoire or improvisation - duration: 10 minutes)
  • Colloquium (duration: 10-15 minutes)

The programme "Master of Extended Music Education" and the part-time course "Music digital" are a joint project of the Trossingen University of Music and the Federal Academy for Musical Youth Education Trossingen.

For more information about the part-time course, click on the website of the Federal Academy.