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Foundations and Scholarships

Iris Marquardt Foundation

Jakob and Iris Marquardt campaigned vehemently for the Trossingen University of Music. They saw and appreciated the musical wealth and artistic potential of the students and supported the importance of the university as a regional cultural authority. For this reason, the Marquardt Family, together with the "Association of Friends and Supporters of the Trossingen University of Music" set up the "Iris Marquardt Foundation" in memory of Iris and Jakob Marquardt. It has now been recognized as a foundation with legal capacity under civil law.

The foundation's goal is to support especially talented students of the University of Music. The winners are determined in a competition every year in early summer.

The core of the foundation is made up of donations on the occasion of the death of Iris Marquardt.
Donations are always welcome:

Kreissparkasse Tuttlingen (Trossingen)
IBAN: DE94 6435 0070 0008 5307 47

Volksbank Trossingen
IBAN: DE25 6429 2310 0012 4140 00

Hohner Foundation Trossingen

The Hohner Foundation - Foundation under public law - was established in 1951 with the sole aim of promoting the Trossingen University of Music. It supports the University  unterstützt die Hochschule e.g. in construction projects and through the operation of the student dormitory.


Hohner-Stiftung Trossingen 
Vogesenstraße 71 
78647 Trossingen 
Telephone: 07425 / 9407 - 0

Dr. Eberhard Haller Scholarship Fund

The Schwenningen doctor who died in the summer of 2007, Dr. Eberhard Haller was not only a passionate musician himself, he has also been committed to cultural projects and the promotion of young musicians for many years. He has also supported the "Music Academy VS" from the start. In order to let this commitment live on artistically after his sudden death, a scholarship fund for young musicians and musical projects was set up, which bears Dr. Haller's name.

Donations that go into a special account of the "Music Academy VS", which is recognized as a non-profit organization, will benefit talented young musicians from Villingen-Schwenningen in full and without administrative costs. Everyone is convinced that the initiative, brought to life by the Haller Family and the management of the Music Academy, corresponds to one of Eberhard Haller's very own concerns. It is also the best way to keep his memory alive in the future through the sound of music played by new young scholarship holders.

Donation account:
Musikakademie Villingen-Schwenningen gGmbH
Sonderkonto Dr. Eberhard-Haller-Musikstipendien
Sparkasse Schwarzwald-Baar
Account Number: 150 96 95 94
Bankleitzahl: 694 500 65