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BAföG, Scholarships, and other funding possibilities

Students often depend on outside support to finance their studies. Various funding possibilities are named on this site.

Note: The DAAD scholarships will NOT be advertised in 2023: STIBET I and STIBET III (support for foreign students) and PROMOS (support for stays abroad, courses and competitions)


Whether BAföG can be granted also depends on personal requirements: nationality or residence status, age, and suitability for the desired training, and private income as well as assets are relevant. Detailed information and all forms for BAföG can be found on the Internet at www.bafög.de

The BAföG office for our university is the Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim in Tübingen: www.tuebingen-hohenheim.de. At the beginning of each semester (October and April), the Studierendenwerk offers a Bafög consultation hour in Trossingen. Please note the notices for the current dates! BAföG applications are also available from Birgit Hermle-Marquart

BAföG can also be applied for for study semesters abroad. The responsible authorities (divided by country) can be found at  www.auslandsbafoeg.de

State Graduate Funding

Funding of scientific research work and artistic projects by graduates as well as funding of doctoral students by the state of Baden-Württemberg. Application deadline is January 31st. of each year with Birgit Hermle-Marquart.

Academic Foundation of the German People

Support for especially talented students; only at the suggestion of the main teacher. In-house pre-selection and proposal to the Studienstiftung takes place in autumn for the following year.

Informational Flyer on the selection process for music students

Liaison Lecturer of the Academic Foundation: Prof. Hans Maier (office hours by appointment)
You can get more information from Birgit Hermle-Marquart


Scholarships of €300/month for one year. Application deadlines:  April 15th and October 15th. Please send your application as a PDF file via email to Ms. Hermle-Marquart.

Documents to submit: Application (formless), motivation letter (max. 2 DIN A4 pages), tabular CV, certificate of university entrance qualification (if applicable), evidence of special qualifications (if applicable), evidence of previous academic achievements (if applicable), internship and job references,(if applicable), evidence of special awards and prizes, recommendation of the main subject teacher.


Regulations for the Deutschlandstipendium

Scholarships Election Committee (Term May 2023-May 2025):
Chair:  Rector Prof. Christian Fischer (by virtue of office)
Equal Opportunity Officer:  Anika Neipp (by virtue of office)
Representatives of the professors: Prof. Michael Alber, Prof. Anton Steck
Student representative:  Lisa Werner

Other scholarship providers

  • Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung for good to very good and politically engaged students; Application period every year from October 1st to 31st and April 1st to 30th. If you are interested, please contact the HfM Trossingen tutor before applying: Teddy Ezra.
  • Kunststiftung Baden Württemberg: Support for especially talented young musicians. Documents and information available at www.kunststiftung.de
  • Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: is specifically looking for musicians for support. Deadlines: January 15th and July 1st: www.kas.de


Funding Possibilities after Studying

  • Mathilde-Planck-Förderung of posts by the ministry (financing of lecturers). Please speak to the department spokesperson and the Human Resources Office.
  • Brigitte Schlieben-Lange-Programm: Promotion of young scientists and artists by the ministry. Promotion of re-entry into qualification and doctorate; Contact persons: the pro-rectors.
  • Internships abroad will be funded by ERASMUS from 14/15 for 2 - 12 months even after graduation. The job can be done in any type of institution abroad (school, orchestra, stage, etc.). More information in the International Office from Ms. Hermle-Marquart, room 243

Please also note the notices in the display cases in the administration for current scholarship advertisements and dates!