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Prof. Jan Philip Schulze

Areas of Focus: Classical Modernism, Contemporary Song, and Sergey Rachmaninov

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Jan Philip Schulze received his pianistic training at the Musikhochschule in Munich and at the Tschaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow.

As a sought-after song accompanist and chamber musician, he has performed internationally with Juliane Banse, Annette Dasch, Rachel Harnisch, Dietrich Henschel, Jonas Kaufmann, Yves Savary, Robert Dean Smith, and Violeta Urmana on the most prominent stages, such as the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Théâtre de la Monnaie Brüssel,  Wigmore Hall London, in Madrid, Paris, Vienna, and Tokyo, at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, and at the festivals in Lucerne, Salzburg, Edinburgh, Munich, and Schwarzenberg.

At the same time, Jan Philip Schulze is considered as a marvelous interpreter of contemporary music. His collaborations in numerous world premieres, the recording of Hans Werner Henze's piano works, which was highly praised by the specialist press as a reference recording, and most recently his debut with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra in Iannis Xenakis' Sinaphai Piano Concerto document his special commitment.